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Trans/Non-Binary Athletes Need a New Cat. for Inclusiveness and Fairness in Intl. Sports??

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This is a tough subject to discuss. Because most transgenders (if they are truly serious about changing their sexual orientation: from male to female and/or verse versa) are taking massive hormonal drugs (estrogen, testosterone, etc.) plus they are undergoing and having surgeries to change their genital areas. The IOC in the past has banned that. Especially in the eastern European countries like the USSR, East Germany, Bulgaria, Romania and in the (now) Czech Republic. Gives those countries an unfair advantage.

I also remember in the early seventies that this even affected a male to female long distance runner in South Africa. This runner could not participate at the Olympics. This was before South Africa was banned from international competition because of Apartheid with the assistance from Amnesty International in getting that country banned at the Olympics.


Kudos to Rush! :)

But let's give some love to these Canadians with the help of two Americans: Levon Helm and Joni Mitchell.

Back in the day I saw Neil play in RI. Sonic Youth opened. Amazing show. Glad you posted that.


I changed my middle-name to Freeones
Agree with all above. The Mayor of Calgary Naheed Nenshi had the same conclusions you have about the IOC and for those reasons and more withdrew Calgary Olympic bid.
It took poor Montreal 30 years to pay off their Olympic debt. Vancity broke even after 4 years, and they considered that a huge win. Poor Rio lost $2 BILLION in a country that needs every penny. You'd have to be insane to actually want to fight over the games with that kind of history.

Concrete Cock

Never Trust A Babyface
It took poor Montreal 30 years to pay off their Olympic debt. Vancity broke even after 4 years, and they considered that a huge win. Poor Rio lost $2 BILLION in a country that needs every penny. You'd have to be insane to actually want to fight over the games with that kind of history.

The 1976 Montreal Games were the first Olympics I was old enough to remember. Those were some great games especially with the boxing, track/field, and women's gymnastics. Sugar Ray Leonard, Teófilo Stevenson, Leon & Michael Spinks, Bruce Jenner, and Nadia Comaneci. A lot of stars were made during those games.


I changed my middle-name to Freeones
16 Penn swimmers say transgender teammate Lia Thomas shouldn't be allowed to compete

“We fully support Lia Thomas in her decision to affirm her gender identity and to transition from a man to a woman," the letter reads. "Lia has every right to live her life authentically. However, we also recognize that when it comes to sports competition, that the biology of sex is a separate issue from someone’s gender identity.
"Biologically, Lia holds an unfair advantage over competition in the women’s category, as evidenced by her rankings that have bounced from #462 as a male to #1 as a female. If she were to be eligible to compete against us, she could now break Penn, Ivy, and NCAA Women’s Swimming records; feats she could never have done as a male athlete.”

Here's another recent example making waves. It's also showing how there is a clear discourse between official statements and how people actually feel.
Jumping from #462 to #1 & breaking multiple records has to be indicative of a clear advantage. But the stakes are high since which way they go will determine how the NCAA is going to handle the issue going forward.

I agree with the view that post-pubescent gender transition should be a disqualifier in sports where there is a clear physical advantage. However, to her credit, she did follow the rules the NCAA currently has, so like they say, "don't hate the player, hate the game". And that's why the NCAA is really going to need to clearly set the rules going forward, whichever way they go.


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I agree with the post pubescent concept. The issues are created by agencies like governments not really up to speed on realities, like transgenderism, bitcoin etc so they make bad judgement calls.

This letter/news was posted a couple of days ago coming from 16 of the girls on UPENN team willing to at least voice their opinion though anonymously.
Penn swimmers protest Lia Thomas' eligibility (yahoo.com)

USA Swimming has come out with new rules as well.

Lets see if UPENN and NCAA will follow through on law suit threats. Lets see if they continue to hate biological women as much as they have shown to date.


I changed my middle-name to Freeones
NCAA Decision Paves Way for Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas to Compete at 2022 Championships

The NCAA announced it will not adopt a new USA Swimming policy regarding transgender athletes for its winter championships, which should pave the way for Penn swimmer Lia Thomas to compete for a national championship.

The NCAA said transgender athletes will only have to comply with rules set forth under a 2010 policy that requires male-to-female transgender athletes have less than 10 nanomoles per liter of testosterone in their blood.
Well, there you have it. They're sticking by a 12-year old rule that was made before this was even a serious issue, and she'll be allowed to freely compete.

The NCAA had their chance to nip this in the bud, and now there are likely going to be some serious aftershocks.
First, where do they go from here? They said they won't interfere with the Winter competition, meaning they still haven't made a decision going beyond that. Will they adopt the new USA swimming rules after the winter season? If they do, they could very well still end up banning Lia from any further competition, and possibly banning other TG athletes from even having a chance to compete. Is that fair for all those other TG athletes who are currently transitioning? This decision doesn't support TG athletes, it only benefits Lia.

And what about the records that she set? If an athlete is disqualified for doping, all of their records are erased. If the NCAA decides to implement the new rules in the summer and disqualifies Lia from further competition, do her records still stand?

Shutting this down early may have stung a bit at first, but it would have made the future much smoother, since Lia would basically been the only one affected. But now they've opened the can of worms, and it looks to be a whole lot messier.
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Concrete Cock

Never Trust A Babyface
Anybody know where Gloria Allred laid her chips on this one? She seems awfully quiet for such an attention whore. It's all about the shekels.






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NCAA Decision Paves Way for Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas to Compete at 2022 Championships

Well, there you have it. They're sticking by a 12-year old rule that was made before this was even a serious issue, and she'll be allowed to freely compete.

The NCAA had their chance to nip this in the bud, and now there are likely going to be some serious aftershocks.
First, where do they go from here? They said they won't interfere with the Winter competition, meaning they still haven't made a decision going beyond that. Will they adopt the new USA swimming rules after the winter season? If they do, they could very well still end up banning Lia from any further competition, and possibly banning other TG athletes from even having a chance to compete. Is that fair for all those other TG athletes who are currently transitioning? This decision doesn't support TG athletes, it only benefits Lia.

And what about the records that she set? If an athlete is disqualified for doping, all of their records are erased. If the NCAA decides to implement the new rules in the summer and disqualifies Lia from further competition, do her records still stand?

Shutting this down early may have stung a bit at first, but it would have made the future much smoother, since Lia would basically been the only one affected. But now they've opened the can of worms, and it looks to be a whole lot messier.

NCAA and PENN have abandoned women. This will come back to haunt them.

Concrete Cock

Never Trust A Babyface

Well, Lia came in first. Shocker. And even set a program record.

NCAA have screwed themselves now that's it's been established she's won a championship and set a program record. It's going to be interesting to see them sweat it out on how to handle this going forward.

This is so wrong. When MTF transsexuals become mainstream as women athletes how will the biological females still be able to compete and get their share of college scholarships and other opportunities?


I changed my middle-name to Freeones

Prime Minister Boris Johnson says transgender women should not compete in women's sport​


Interesting to see the totally different treatment of the issue. It could be because it's a different sport or different country, but that's quite a contrast, especially with the athletes threatening to boycott if she was allowed to compete.


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Nervous to support much of anything Boris has to say but I am totally with him on this. Shocked to see GB backpeddle on this as they have shown themselves to be the wokiest of the woke in recent years.

"Johnson was speaking on a range of issues, including the government's approach to the ban on so-called conversion therapy, before adding: "I don't think biological males should be competing in female sporting events. Maybe that's a controversial thing to say, but it just seems to me to be sensible.

"I also happen to think that women should have spaces - whether it's in hospitals, prison or changing rooms - which are dedicated to women. That's as far as my thinking has developed on this issue."


I changed my middle-name to Freeones
Nervous to support much of anything Boris has to say but I am totally with him on this. Shocked to see GB backpeddle on this as they have shown themselves to be the wokiest of the woke in recent years.

"Johnson was speaking on a range of issues, including the government's approach to the ban on so-called conversion therapy, before adding: "I don't think biological males should be competing in female sporting events. Maybe that's a controversial thing to say, but it just seems to me to be sensible.

"I also happen to think that women should have spaces - whether it's in hospitals, prison or changing rooms - which are dedicated to women. That's as far as my thinking has developed on this issue."
I agree, I'm hesitant to ever use Boris as the voice of rational discussion, but his points seem reasonable and diplomatically presented.

Concrete Cock

Never Trust A Babyface
I agree with Boris Johnson too. It’s basic common sense. The fact that the statement is controversial is what’s odd. Water is still wet in 2022? I’m not a bad person for still thinking that?

I’ve said for the longest time this is not inclusive but will eliminate opportunities for many biological females to receive college scholarships.

Where have the all feminists gone that used to fight for womens’ rights?


Knows how 2 have sex, in theory
I agree with Boris Johnson too. It’s basic common sense. The fact that the statement is controversial is what’s odd. Water is still wet in 2022? I’m not a bad person for still thinking that?

I’ve said for the longest time this is not inclusive but will eliminate opportunities for many biological females to receive college scholarships.

Where have the all feminists gone that used to fight for womens’ rights?
Even the idea of "Live and let Live" can get you into an an argument these days.

I'm probably a bit egocentric. I work with a transperson (pardon if the term is not proper.) I worked with her for a year before someone told me she was trans. I only referred to her by name, just because I call everyone by their name. Pronouns (like I used in the previous sentences) didn't really seem to come up in our working relationship.

Someone commented on her being trans and it was the first time I noticed it. I didn't and doesn't matter to me. She is a person. Period.

I have no idea on her view on sexual identity or whatever and honestly, I don't care. I'm not sure I even have views I actively think about.

I know that transfolks in women sports is an issue and I certainly don't have a definitive answer. Certainly there are grey areas. Being egocentric and not caring may help me. I don't care even if someone is upset with me for not caring. I'll take people one at a time for what they do.
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